June 5, 2024
Personalization in training is not a new story but has not been truly appreciated in the fitness industry in Vietnam. #Success-Stories is a series of articles by STEEL, built on real-life stories, aiming to provide a closer look at the collaborative process of personal trainers and clients with different physical conditions, personalities, and lifestyles. Above all, it is a story of the effort to deliver tailored experiences, an ideal training environment, and optimal results for each individual. Because every person is a unique individual, and there is never a one-size-fits-all formula.

Everyone understands that the best way to stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle is to exercise regularly and eat properly. Many people, particularly young adults attempting to strike a work-life balance, appear to struggle to maintain control over their eating habits.

Tuan Pham, a resident and employee of Ho Chi Minh City, joined STEEL to improve his fitness and lose weight. In the midst of his hectic workdays, he attempted to maintain a regular training schedule, but he found it difficult to eat in a rational, scientific manner.

Coach Tien Đat, who assisted Tuan with balancing training and nutrition, will be a guest speaker in Episode 8 of our #SUCCESS-STORIES series.

Customer Profile:

- Age: 28 years old

- Training Goal: Weight loss

- Training Duration: 3.5 months

- Initial Physical Condition: Overweight, low physical activity

What were the clients' initial lifestyle, diet, and condition when they approached you?

Tuan has previously lived and worked in Singapore. When Covid-19 hit and social isolation was enforced, he had to stay at home for an extended period of time. This caused stress and disorder in his eating habits.

During that time, his weight quickly rose to more than 115 kgs due to uncontrolled overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. This sudden weight gain had a negative impact on his health, making him physically weaker and more inflexible. Mentally, it caused some self-consciousness and constant fatigue. After returning to Vietnam, Tuan was determined to join a gym and regain his former physique.

What was the client's training goal?

Tuan's primary training goals were to lose weight, regain his former physique, and live a healthier, more active lifestyle.

How did you approach the client initially?

I improved Tuan's physical strength through bodyweight resistance exercises. My strategy was to maximise his body's movement capacity within his capabilities. For example, I designed a 6-exercise plan in which he would do each exercise back-to-back with 2-3 minute breaks, repeating for 3-4 continuous rounds. This increased his heart rate, stretched his physical exertion, and effectively burned fat while improving his endurance and stamina. I also encouraged him to walk 7000–10,000 steps per day.

Tuan's rapid weight gain was triggered by an unhealthy diet of fried and sugary foods. So, I made an effort to create a personalised meal plan for him, modifying all of his food items to specific quantities. The goal was to closely monitor his calorie intake while also ensuring adequate nutrition and energy for his daily activities. However, this method did not work well for him at first.

How did you address aspects that were not yielding effective results?

Tuan's diet was a key factor in his case, so I provided specific nutritional guidance, including daily meal plans. However, due to his busy schedule and living alone, he was unable to fully prepare the necessary foods himself. So I had to take a different approach to save him more time: encourage him to photograph his meals and discuss them with me before eating. This allowed for close monitoring; I could advise him on which foods he should and should not eat, as well as how much of each. With this method, he didn't have to cook but still had some control over his daily diet.

However, issues persisted. Updating all three meals daily remained difficult, and he frequently forgot, reducing the effectiveness again. Finally, I recommended the most convenient solution: use an external service that provides ready-made healthy meals. This reduced effort while providing complete control over food quantity and nutrition. This was the best option for Tuan's situation.

How did you personalise the client's exercises to maximise effectiveness?

I gained valuable insights into diet personalisation while determining the best nutritional approach for Tuan. Typically, it is not difficult to create a perfect diet based on information such as height, weight, body fat percentage, and age, which includes their ideal daily calorie intake. However, due to variations in lifestyles, work schedules, and circumstances, not everyone can follow such a diet. As a trainer, I must be adaptable in each situation in order to make the most appropriate, effective adjustments for the client.

Similarly, for training programme personalisation, I must thoroughly assess metrics, physical condition, and training history, as well as the client's goals, and closely monitor progress, judging effectiveness based on physical and mental changes, in order to make necessary adjustments for optimal results.

What did the client achieve after 3-month training?

Tuan's weight has dropped from 115kg to 105kg after three months of regular exercise, indicating a healthy physique. His significant weight loss improved his appearance, resulting in a flatter tummy and smaller clothing sizes.

With regular exercise and no cooking struggles to maintain a stable diet, his fitness and energy levels significantly improved. His positive attitude extended throughout training, as he enjoyed his meals and slept better.

Tuan's exercise and eating habits have greatly improved over time. The benefits are clear after just a few months, and I am confident that continuing this lifestyle will provide him with enormous value in the future.

Thanks for your helpful insights, Coach Tien Dat. 

Customer’s Review

Joining @steel.saigon is a start of an unexpected journey. It gave me a reason to trust myself again. The journey to discovery about my real self and reclaim my power is still a long way ahead. But I know now I am not alone.