Jenny Ngan Truong
June 13, 2024
Personalization in training is not a new story but has not been truly appreciated in the fitness industry in Vietnam. #Success-Stories is a series of articles by STEEL, built on real-life stories, aiming to provide a closer look at the collaborative process of personal trainers and clients with different physical conditions, personalities, and lifestyles. Above all, it is a story of the effort to deliver tailored experiences, an ideal training environment, and optimal results for each individual. Because every person is a unique individual, and there is never a one-size-fits-all formula.

One of the most significant barriers that restrain individuals on their fitness journey is the thought of "I can't do it." This inadvertently makes you limit your true capabilities, while in reality, the deep potential within you may still be waiting to be touched and explored.

In the 7th session of the #SUCCESS-STORIES series, let's follow the training journey and self-discovery of Ms. Julia Đoàn – a Fashionista, a businesswoman, and a mother of two young children – through the narrative of Coach Minh Trường at STEEL. As a busy woman with a somewhat "fragile" appearance at first glance, few could imagine that after a short period of training, she could lift weights multiple times her body weight and discover the true potential that she had never been aware of before.

Customer Profile:
- Age: 30 years old

- Training goal: Fun, Health

- Training duration: 6-7 months

- Initial physical condition: Slim body, flabby, frequently stressed due to a busy schedule.

How did the client come to you in terms of their initial physical condition and lifestyle? 

Ms. Julia is involved in the fashion industry and simultaneously serves as a Key Opinion Leader (KOL) with influence over a portion of the public. Initially, this somewhat influenced her perception of an ideal body, believing that being slim was necessary to enhance the appearance of the outfits she wore. Consequently, she developed a habit of eating sparingly and had never engaged in gym workouts to firm up and develop her body. As a result, when she first arrived at the gym, her physique was somewhat flabby, thin, and lacked much strength.

Due to the nature of her business, combined with the responsibility of taking care of her two young children, Ms. Julia often falls into a state of mental stress due to the hectic pace of her life.

What is the main goal the client wants to achieve through training?

Initially, Ms. Julia came to the gym based on the recommendation of a friend without setting a specific goal. The training at that time was primarily for health and enjoyment, aiming to reduce stress in her daily life.

What was your initial approach to this client?

Because Ms. Julia didn't have a clear direction in her workout and wasn't emphasizing body transformation but rather wanted to improve her overall health, I chose to accompany her with a relaxed mindset. I advised her on suitable exercises that aligned with her current physical condition at each stage, allowing her to gradually achieve personal milestones.

One of my top priorities during the training process was to identify the potential in each client, motivating, cheering, and providing support for them to maximize that potential. This required patience, continuous observation, and regular communication with Ms. Julia.

I started by guiding her through the most basic exercises based on the four main movements: Push - Pull - Squats - Hip Hinge. Once she became familiar with and mastered the techniques, I gradually increased the difficulty level, ensuring she felt comfortable and actively conquered progressively heavier weights.

Regarding nutrition, I aimed to provide advice on what types of foods to consume and in what quantities, rather than prescribing an exact, detailed menu down to each gram. This allowed Ms. Julia a certain level of control and autonomy for each of her meals, especially considering her busy schedule and the challenge of maintaining a consistent daily menu, particularly when her eating patterns depended on her children.

How do you adjust and personalize the exercises during the training process to optimize effectiveness for the client?

For Ms. Julia, having given birth to two children and being over 30 years old, the lower back tends to be weaker, often experiencing fatigue and discomfort. To address this issue, I designed exercises focusing on the core to enhance strength and protect the spine.

Additionally, after a period of observation and evaluation, I noticed that despite having a slender physique, Ms. Julia possessed potential strength in her body, demonstrated good movement memory, and had developed motor skills. Therefore, I encouraged her to focus on complex exercises, involving barbells and free weights. Gradually, she conquered higher weight levels. This made her feel capable, confident, and more enthusiastic about her workouts.

Ms. Julia came to the gym primarily for health and stress reduction, so I always focused on creating a comfortable and inspiring atmosphere, rather than imposing strict standards. For her case, I felt it wasn't necessary to add more stress to her life, as she already faced pressure from work and family responsibilities. Once I could make her feel comfortable and enjoy her workouts, she became more self-aware and proactive in pursuing them.

What are your observations regarding the training results for this client?

I am delighted to share that, in just about 3-4 months of training three times a week, starting as someone who had never lifted weights, Ms. Julia successfully performed a Deadlift at 100kg. This was an impressive milestone that even surprised Ms. Julia herself. The discovery of her potential and strength made her increasingly enjoy exercising, and her spirit became more optimistic and positive than before. Up to now, Ms. Julia continues to set and conquer heavier weight goals. With her confidence and determination, I fully believe that she is capable of achieving even more.

Physically, consistent training has visibly toned Ms. Julia's body, increased muscle mass, and reduced fat. Compared to the beginning, her physique now exhibits basic, healthy, and vibrant contours.

In general, the training has provided Ms. Julia with more than she initially expected, helping her understand more about her own strength and fostering a proactive mindset in nurturing and developing it.

From someone with a slender physique and lacking confidence in her own strength, last May, Ms. Julia proactively participated in her first Deadlift competition, lifting heavy weights in front of hundreds of spectators. The belief that she could do it is the most positive internal change Ms. Julia has achieved after months of training. And that is the crucial factor that has made her life happier, healthier, and more fulfilling.

Thank you, Coach Minh Trường, for the insights!

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